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How Leaders Get Better

May 9, 2024

Every business leader, executive, and entrepreneur shares a common goal: to make an even bigger impact than they are today… to keep getting better at being a leader! They’re always on the lookout for performance breakthroughs that can enhance their leadership capabilities. But what truly drives a leader’s growth, how do leaders get better? What makes them continuously improve in their pursuit of excellence? Here are four areas that are essential in determining a leader’s effectiveness in getting better.

The 4 Areas that Determine a Leader’s Effectiveness for Getting Better

  1. Being Open to Change
    Adaptability is a hallmark attribute of impactful leaders. Today’s business environment is dynamic and evolving at a pace we’ve never seen before, requiring leaders to be able to make swift adjustments and demonstrate innovative thinking. Leaders who embrace change are better positioned to navigate uncertainty and lead their teams through challenging periods. Being open to change means exploring different perspectives, and challenging existing paradigms. Change-ready leaders cultivate a culture of innovation within their organizations and inspire their teams to embrace new ideas confidently.
  2. Receiving Constructive Feedback
    No leader can improve without quality feedback loops. Effective leaders understand the immense value of constructive feedback in helping them improve. Whether it comes from colleagues, team members, or mentors, feedback provides fresh insights into blind spots and areas of improvement. Blindspots to a leader are like cigarettes to the body, they will slowly kill you. However, it takes humility and courage to receive feedback graciously, especially when it’s not entirely positive. Leaders should encourage an open-feedback culture, making it safe for others to share their honest opinions. When feedback is actively sought and thoughtfully implemented, it becomes a catalyst for continuous improvement.
  3. Having a Strong Bias for Taking Action
    Analysis and planning are vital components of leadership, but impactful leaders prioritize action. They recognize that over-analysis can lead to “analysis paralysis,” stalling progress and momentum. A bias toward taking action ensures that ideas and strategies are implemented swiftly, and lessons are learned in real time. Action-oriented leaders experiment, learn from outcomes, and recalibrate their approaches quickly – staying in a mode of continuous improvement. They foster a culture that prioritizes progress and encourages calculated risks, recognizing that stagnation is a greater risk than failure.
  4. Open to Accepting Accountability
    Leadership comes with responsibility, and impactful leaders readily accept accountability for the decisions and outcomes for both themselves, and their teams. They don’t shift blame or shy away from mistakes. Instead, they own their actions and use setbacks as learning opportunities. This transparency fosters trust within the organization and creates a culture where accountability is seen as empowering rather than punitive. When leaders model this behavior, they inspire their teams to do the same, ensuring that everyone is aligned and demonstrates high levels of ownership.


To get better, leaders need to be continuously effective in these four areas. Openness to change, a willingness to receive feedback, a bias for taking action, and a commitment to accountability are all critical components of impactful leadership. By engaging int he pursuit to find ways to improve in these areas, leaders can unlock new levels of potential and find performance breakthroughs.

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