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Generating Performance Breakthroughs

Leverage a system-driven approach to radically enhancing prioritization, focus & accountability

1 : 1 Performance Breakthrough Coaching

Investment starting as low as $1,500 / month

The gap between the level we’re currently operating at & the level we know deep down we’re fully capable of, represents our potential.

The biggest problem modern leaders face is being able of effectively prioritize & focus – this problem only becomes more pronounced the more successful you are. 

The root cause for this problem? A lack of systems.

Our 1:1 program is designed to solve the focus problem for executive leaders – helping them identify their most important priorities & installing a proven operating system to support them in applying the right level of focus & accountability in the most important areas.

I’ll be the first to admit this program is not for everyone. This is a high-octane approach that requires significant action & next-level discipline. But it’s these actions that will leave the status quo behind, and be your springboard to finding next-level performance.

Results-Oriented Approach

Client results are the ONLY thing that matters.

The biggest risk clients face when investing in coaching is not realizing anticipated results. Our action-oriented, system-driven approach puts a laser focus on setting the definitions of what success looks like and ensures we make weekly progress towards achieving it.

We don’t stop working until our clients are fully satisfied with their results.

Performance Mindset Coaching milestones and goals

Client-Centric Focus

We take the risk off of clients, and welcome the pressure that comes with ensuring get the desired results.

We offer a flexible installment payment structure so that the coach / client incentives remain fully aligned throughout the engagement period.

Easy opt-out. If you don’t feel we’re on track to achieve the results you’re looking for, we want to make it easy for you to opt-out, and fire us without penalty!

Your investment includes:

  • 60-minute 1:1 performance coaching sessions

  • Post-session executive summary capturing insights & key action steps

  • Objective & Key Priority System

  • Vision-Milestone-Initiative-Actions System

  • 1-1-1 Reflection Protocol

  • Pre-Mortem Exercise
  • Self-Awareness Accelerator Review

  • Success : Happiness Alignment Audit

  • Birthday Toast Exercise

  • 360-degree Leadership Assessment

FREE Performance Breakthrough Assessment!

Schedule a discovery call to secure a zero-risk, FREE performance assessment

Business Performance Breakthrough Program

Investment starting as low as $3,000 / month

EVERY organization faces a similar challenge in today’s business environment – to generate better results, at greater speed, with fewer resources.

The Business Accelerator Program is designed to help business leaders, owners / founders, and entrepreneurs find their performance breakthrough.

How do we do this? We help businesses implement a management operating system with three distinct benefits:

  1. More effectively establish key priorities
  2. Apply the right level of focus behind these key priorities 
  3. Develop the tracking and measuring systems to force accountability for generating continuous progress on top priorities

This unique, high-octane approach offers businesses a strategic partnership – blending together the benefits of business coaching, strategic advising, and consulting to align the organization around what’s most important, what needs to be true to achieve it, and keeps progress on track.

The Business Performance Breakthrough Program has three operating phases:

Phase 1 – Prioritization

Niche Deep-Dive Evaluation

Operating Values & Principles

Unit Economics & Key Performance Indicators
Performance Mindset Coaching milestones and goals
Objective & Key Priority (OKP) Operating System

Long-Term Vision : Short-Term Priority Alignment

Pre-Mortem Strategic Review

Phase 3 – Accountability

1-1-1 After Action Review Protocol

Operating Leverage Audit

The ‘new’ CEO Review

Your investment includes:

  • 3-Phase Business Deep Dive

  • (2) 90-minute sessions per month

  • Objective & Key Priority (OKP) System Installation

  • Concierge-level access between sessions via phone, text, & email 

  • Supplemental meetings available upon request

  • Full access to Performance Mindset program catalogue

Who is the Business Performance Breakthrough Program For?

This program was built for high-potential businesses in search of a performance breakthrough to help them scale to the next-level.

Entrepreneur leaders and business owners helped design this program to ensure we offer high-quality support through business coaching, strategic advising, and consulting, that every high-potential business is looking for:

Business Coaching

Helping business leaders & founders gain clarity by offering unique perspectives for aligning strategy, operations & culture to enhance performance.

Strategic Advising

Assisting businesses with identifying & leveraging opportunities for growth, while delivering recommendations based on professional & personal experience.


Generating value to business leaders by prescribing organizational-specific solutions, while helping leaders spot areas of improvement around the biggest challenges facing the business.

Looking for more information?

If it wasn’t worth the risk, you wouldn’t be here.

Hesitation is normal. It means more information is necessary to soothe the ‘what if’s’. We’ve taken the time to provide answers to some of our most commonly asked questions. Not just to give you the confidence to start but the permission to choose yourself. Explore our frequently asked questions or reach out for a one-on-one conversation about your goals.

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