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The Hidden Dangers of Growth

March 7, 2024

Rapid growth is often seen as a universally positive measurement for success. The opportunity for quick expansion can be tempting to both, entrepreneurs and established companies. However, a piece of advice from a seasoned board member has always resonated with me: “Never grow faster than your ability to manage it.” This wisdom speaks to the dangers that come with unscalable growth and the long-term damage it can inflict on an organization.

The Double-Edged Sword of Rapid Growth

Rapid growth can quickly become a double-edged sword. On one side, it signals validation from the market, increased sales, and gains in precious market share. On the flip side, it tests every facet of the organization’s resilience, from operational capabilities to maintaining its culture. When growth outpaces the ability to manage it, cracks begin to appear that can have long-term repercussions.

The Case of Facebook: A Lesson in Growth Management

Perhaps the most emblematic shift away from a growth at all cost approach is Facebook’s (now Meta) departure from its early motto, “Move fast and break things.” Initially, this philosophy encapsulated their approach to market domination. However, as the company grew, the limitations and consequences of this mindset started to have real cost, true to their motto, things were breaking.

Facebook’s pivot away from this approach reflects a deeper understanding that sustainable growth is not just about expanding rapidly but doing so responsibly. It’s a lesson in the importance of building a solid foundation that includes robust governance, ethical considerations, and a scalable infrastructure to support business operations. This evolution highlights a fundamental truth: growth, when mismanaged, can erode trust, reputation, and ultimately, undermine the very success it seeks to achieve.

Understanding the Risks of Unscalable Growth

  1. Operational Overwhelm: Rapid expansion can strain operations, leading to quality issues, supply chain disruptions, and customer service failures. These operational challenges can damage brand reputation and customer loyalty.
  2. Culture Deterioration: Scaling too quickly can dilute a company’s culture, eroding the core values and principles that contributed to its initial success. A strong, cohesive culture is crucial for navigating the complexities of growth.
  3. Financial Strain: Aggressive growth often requires significant investment. Without a sustainable model, companies can find themselves overextended, facing liquidity issues, or making short-term decisions that compromise long-term viability.
  4. Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Fast expansion can lead to oversight of regulatory compliance, increasing the risk of legal troubles and fines. As seen with Facebook, such issues can lead to public backlash and increased scrutiny.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth

To avoid the dangers of unscalable growth, consider these strategies:

  • Strategic Planning: Align growth initiatives with a clear, sustainable business model. Planning should include scalability assessments, risk management, and a strong focus on execution.
  • Invest in Infrastructure: Prioritize investments in systems, processes, and people that support scalable operations.
  • Build a Strong Culture: Cultivate a culture that is resilient to the challenges of scaling. This includes fostering open communication, adaptability, and a shared vision.
  • Focus on the Customer: Never lose sight of the driver behind your growth, the customer experience. Sustainable growth is built on a loyal customer base that values your product or service. NEVER de-prioritize this for the sake of faster growth.


The advice to “never grow faster than your ability to manage it” is more than a cautionary principle; it’s a strategic imperative for sustainable success. By recognizing the dangers of unscalable growth and implementing strategies to manage expansion responsibly, companies can navigate the complexities of scaling and secure their long-term success.

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