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The Trap of ‘Good Enough’

February 19, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, the term “good enough” can often be used as a disguise. It’s time to recognize ‘good enough’ for what it truly is: a subtle yet dangerous form of complacency. Let’s explore why settling for “good enough” can be a significant trap for any business striving for long-term success.

The Deceptive Comfort of ‘Good Enough’

“Good enough” creates a deceptive comfort zone. It’s an acceptance of mediocrity under the guise of speed to market. While it’s essential to be realistic, complacency breeds in the gap between what is and what could be.

On the flip side, striving for perfection in every endeavor sounds like a valuable pursuit, but is equally capable of hindering progress. Perfectionism can lead to:

  1. Analysis Paralysis: An overemphasis on perfect outcomes can result in an inability to make decisions or take action, stalling projects and innovation.
  2. Fear of Failure: The pursuit of flawless results often stems from a fear of failure. This fear can prevent taking the risks necessary for growth and learning.
  3. Resource Drain: Perfectionism can lead to excessive refinement and unnecessary use of resources on minor details, diverting attention from more impactful areas.

Striking the Right Balance: Excellence Through Iteration

The key to avoiding the traps of both “good enough” and perfectionism lies in pursuing excellence through iteration. This approach embraces the following principles:

  1. Progress Over Perfection: Prioritize making continuous progress over achieving a perfect outcome on the first try. This encourages a culture of action and learning from mistakes.
  2. Value Feedback Loops: Implement rapid feedback loops to quickly learn from actions and refine approaches. This helps in making informed adjustments without getting stuck in the pursuit of perfection.
  3. Set Realistic Standards: Define what excellence looks like for your business, setting high but achievable standards. This helps maintain focus on impactful goals without getting bogged down by unattainable ideals.
  4. Embrace Risk and Failure as Learning Opportunities: Cultivate a mindset that views risk-taking and failure as essential components of growth. This perspective encourages innovation and resilience.
  5. Prioritize and Focus: Identify the areas where excellence truly matters and focus efforts there. This approach ensures that resources are allocated to initiatives with the highest impact.


Navigating the space between “good enough” and perfectionism requires a balanced approach, centered on the pursuit of excellence through iteration. By fostering a culture that values progress, embraces learning, and focuses on impactful goals, businesses can avoid the stagnation of complacency and the paralysis of perfectionism. As a business performance coach, I advocate for this balanced path as the most effective route to sustainable growth and innovation.

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